Whether you work for a dentist who doesn’t answer after hours, a plumber or an electronics company that needs to be available 24/7 or you’re trying to field messages while you’re on vacation or on a business trip, phone answering service offers the flexibility you need. Some providers offer a variety of services like Americall, which provides live answering plus call center and customer service as well as class and seminar registration and remote receptionist answers; 1-800-We-Answer, which offers answering services as well as specialized services for doctors, limousines and funeral homes; and Ruby Answering Service, which allows you to publish a second number for your business while forwarding your personal phone calls to the answering service (all or on a delayed basis).
The best telephone answering services understand the value of human connections. They can offer a sense of individualized customer service that will make your customers feel valued and increase the likelihood they will return to your business, report after report shows. But they also need to be able to handle the complex and specialized questions that many businesses get. Invoca’s recent customer experience survey, for example, found that 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company again after a positive customer service interaction. Unfortunately, a large portion of the time, call center employees don’t know enough about your industry or customer niche to address those interactions in an appropriate way. And that can be frustrating for you and your customers alike. phone answering service