A healing chamber is a machine that can be used to heal people and also gives them a power boost. In Dragon Ball, when goku gets injured he is hooked up to one of these machines and he says that the liquid inside feels good. After going through the process he is healed and given a zenkai power boost, after that he is able to fight and destroy Zarbon.
A healing chamber can also be seen on Xen in the episode Interloper. It is used by the Vortigaunts working in the mines to heal any injuries they might have.
The temperature inside the chamber is kept at 77degF to 86degF (Lee 2007; Oda 2007). This helps to stimulate cell division and increase the rate of healing, and it also reduces the risk of infection. It is important that the chamber not be opened for the first 48 hours after grafting, because opening it will deprive the plants of oxygen, which will hinder the formation of new roots. The humidity inside the chamber should be at least 95%, but misting the surface of the chamber is preferable to constant humidification (Hassel, Memmot, and Liere 2008).
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a treatment that increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. This can help wounded tissue that won’t heal, because the wound cells need more oxygen to repair themselves than healthy tissues do. HBOT is done in a large chamber that’s pressurized with 100% oxygen and can fit 1 person or more at a time. During the treatment, you might hear a hissing sound as the air is pressurized. Some patients might experience ear pressure or sinus pain, and some might feel claustrophobic. These symptoms usually fade as the treatment ends and the air is slowly released back to normal pressure. healing chamber