As the internet continues to evolve at a rapid pace, we see new memes come in and out of trend. But sometimes, there are a few old ones that continue to be popular and have gained new life by going viral again. One such example is the shirt cut meme. This particular meme is a type of exploitable fan art that has been making the rounds on social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Snapchat, and even in group chats. It features characters wearing five different types of clothing that only partially expose their breasts.
The shirt cut meme first came into existence in June 2021 when a blank template was shared on Twitter by @druzsea. The post gained a lot of popularity with users designing their own characters to fill in the different spaces that were labeled as ‘side boob’, ‘inner side boob’, ‘boob window’, ‘under boob’ and “free space”.
People can draw anything they want to fill these spaces, but most of them tend to keep it raunchy and explicit. This trend stayed on the rise throughout 2021 and it seems to have resurfaced again in 2022, especially on TikTok. Videos that contain the #shirtcutmeme hashtag have accumulated over 42.1 million views so far.
While we always see new memes emerge, it’s good to remember that not all of them are safe for kids and should be avoided by parents. It is also important to keep in mind that a good way to avoid these types of memes is to have your child use a filter to monitor the content they’re viewing online.