Fire is a destructive force that takes down buildings and kills people. It can happen anywhere and at any time, leaving nothing in its path. To save yourself from losing your property, it is important to be proactive and have a plan in place for when disaster strikes. This includes having a fire water tank.
A fire water tank is a dedicated source of water set up to support sprinkler and fire suppression systems. This is especially helpful in rural areas where the municipal water system may not have adequate volume or pressure for fire flow. It is also a cost effective alternative to upgrading the municipal water pipes in these areas.
These tanks are installed at the roof of a building and can be accessed easily by firefighter vehicles to quench fire blazes before they can cause any more damage. These tanks also help businesses comply with official fire regulations by stocking the required amount of water to be used for fire emergencies. This helps businesses and residents avoid fines from failing to follow these fire codes.
Tarsco Bolted Tank has extensive experience in the field of fire protection tank construction. We design and build individually engineered tanks for a wide range of applications and uses. These tanks can be designed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA-22) and Factory Mutual requirements for fire water storage. Our tanks are designed with an internal 1,100 gr/m2 density PVC bladder and special neoprene gaskets in every tank connection, to ensure watertight integrity. fire water tank