I hate socks. My Mom in Law (God rest her soul) always included a pair of dress socks in my Christmas prezzies. You know those paper thin dress socks that didn’t keep any sweat away? And they allowed you to feel each and every imperfection in your shoes? Even my Cole Haans? I’d smile and throw them away first chance I got.
Besides, all socks above “quarter” high are very restrictive at the top. I end up with some awesome dents in my legs after a day of wearing most knee high or crew length socks. Do they have to be that tight?
I got even however. Decades ago I began to wear ankle high socks or shorter. I had some crew length for my gigs because of my work boots. Even when going out on the town, my ankle sox were part of the outfit. Mrs Chef wasn’t too happy when we went ballroom dancing though…
My daughter, Dancin’ Pants, got married last November to Joe Foo, the Air Force guy, and she insisted I wear real dress socks. Something about, “If Joe Foo can wear his uniform, you can wear dress socks.” I begged, pleaded, whined, pouted, shed a tear, declared her to be unfit for being my daughter… and got some dress socks. I did get Bamboo Socks. Bamboo Dress Socks.
They were thin and dented my skin. However, they kept my feet dry and cool all during the event and the dancing afterwards. I’ll just let you know, that in the history of father bride dances, ours was the greatest.
So I went on a journey to find some bamboo socks that would work for me. Thermally capable, non denting, antibacterial, durable, and soft. They should look good. I wanted big thick socks for work, and thinner dressy socks for dancing.
I asked myself, “Who are the people who need the best when it comes to “sockiness?”
• Nurses
• Hikers
• Diabetics
• Construction/Factory workers
I found the perfect socks
The sock line I carry, Ecosox, is down for the struggle. They are made from bamboo viscose. Antibacterial, durable, oh so very soft. Nurses will love these socks. I guarantee, since they have a line just for them! Hikers, same goes for you. My son, the rock and roll physics teacher loves them! Mrs. Chef goes tromping through the assembly plant with these between her tootsies and the steel toes of her boots. Yes, even Joe Foo gets all comfy.
And I’m sitting here with my new crew length dress socks. No dents here and I do not have to try to hide my pasty white ankle skin from the office help!
Diabetics and those who need compression socks are quite satisfied since Ecosox takes their needs into consideration. I’ve shared them with folks and they are very happy. And they come in dressy colors so you can look good in whatever situation you find yourself in. Argyle anyone?! socks manufacturer