The kiddush cup is a unique Jewish product that has become a part of the Shabbat and Jewish holiday meal. It is the cup that holds the wine or grape juice that is blessed. The cup is usually an heirloom that has been passed down through generations. Some households have a dedicated cup that is used exclusively for kiddush. A cup can be any shape or size, but it must be able to hold at least a revi’is (3.8 fl. oz. / 112 ml).
The word kiddush is literally translated as sanctification. It is a blessing and prayer that is recited over a cup of wine or grape juice prior to the meal on the Sabbath or Jewish holidays. Some families have a special cup that is used for this purpose, but it can be any glass or cup. The cup must be kosher and it is important to fill it to the brim to ensure that the entire amount of wine is consumed.
There are many different types of silver kiddush cups. Some are ornate with designs, while others are more simple and functional. Some even have a handle on the side that makes it easier to hold. Some are also decorated with Stars of David, lions, vines, and flowers, which all have symbolic meaning for Jews. The Jewish people are very careful about the use of their symbols, so they make sure that each symbol is properly engraved and used.
A silver kiddush cup is the perfect gift for a Jewish wedding. It can be engraved with the couple’s names, words of blessing, and symbols such as vines and stars of David. Some also include images of menorahs and shofars, which are all symbols of the Jewish faith. The inscription can be in any language, but most prefer to keep the words short and simple.
When purchasing a silver kiddush cup, one should make sure that it is kosher. The cup should be made of sterling silver, which is a high-quality metal that is known for its durability and beauty. It should also be clean and free of cracks or holes. It is important to avoid using a plastic, styrofoam, or paper cup, as these can cause the wine to taste unpleasant.
The most common way to use a silver kiddush cup is to place it on the table next to the two covered loaves of bread, which symbolize the double portion of manna that was gathered by the Israelites in the wilderness. Some families have a custom of standing while the kiddush is recited, while others sit. This is a personal choice, and each family should follow their own tradition. A silver kiddush cup is a beautiful and practical addition to any Jewish home.