A Psilocybin spore syringe is an oral syringe that contains water and mushroom spores. Spore prints are pieces of paper with spores stamped onto them by laying a fresh mushroom cap over the print and letting the spores fall out, they are usually dried so they need to be hydrated before use. Spore syringes are used in both microscopy and for inoculating substrate (usually wheat straw or coco coir) for cultivation purposes. Spore syringes and prints can both be purchased online from many purveyors.
When purchasing psilocybin spores online it is important to purchase from a legitimate seller with recognizable contact and payment platforms and a clear description of the spores on offer. Buyers should also ensure that they are buying spores for research purposes and not for consumption. Before attempting to use a psilocybin spores syringe it is important to sterilize the syringe and needle with a flame and alcohol swab.
Once the syringe and needle are sterilized it is time to add the spores. First, the solution must be sterilized in a pressure cooker, then allowed to cool. Once the solution is cooled it can be added to the syringe. The syringe is then sealed with the needle attached using a luer lock. The syringe should be stored in the refrigerator and can last for up to 12 months.
When the syringe is ready for inoculation, it should be removed from the fridge and shaken for a few seconds. It should be injected into the substrate material, making sure that the spores are well mixed. The syringe should then be covered with a piece of breathable tape.