Pine Tree Hill Elementary School is a public school located in Camden, South Carolina. It has 478 students in grades PK, K-5 and is rated high by Niche. This school is also ranked within the top 50% of all schools in South Carolina for math proficiency and 51% for reading proficiency.
The school is located in a suburban area with a mixture of houses and apartments. The neighborhood has a lot of natural greenery and is located close to Sunset Way, which has a range of restaurants and cafes. There are also a number of bus stops near the development, making it easy for residents to get around.
There is a variety of different facilities at pinetree hill including a gym, swimming pool, clubhouse, work area, sports courts, children’s playroom, private screening room and gardens. There are also a number of security services and parking available on site. The apartment buildings are of a very high standard and the landscaping is well maintained.
Pinetree Hill has a reputation for being a safe, supportive and inclusive environment where all students are valued and encouraged to succeed in their studies. The teachers are dedicated to ensuring that the students have the best education possible and support them every step of the way. The school also has a strong emphasis on the arts and offers a range of music, drama and dance classes.
Founded in 1847, less than two years after Texas became the 28th state of America, Pine Tree Independent School District (PTISD) has a rich heritage of excellence and tradition in the fine and performing arts. The PTISD Fine Arts Department is proud to have a long tradition of success in UIL competitions, with many groups earning top awards across the State of Texas.
In addition to its strong academics, Pine Tree Hill is renowned for the outstanding programs it has in place to help prepare students for college and careers. The school offers a wide range of AP and Honors courses as well as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs. Its rigorous course load and demanding curriculum helps students to develop the skills necessary for the world beyond the classroom.
Pine Tree Hill Trail is the longest and most challenging hike in Fraser’s Hill and offers a beautiful view from the peak. It gets its name from a group of old, stag-headed, endemic dacrydium comosum pine trees. The settlers of the area must have planted these pines to give it a temperate atmosphere, hence the name of the trail and road that leads here. pinetree hill