A mid face lift is a surgical procedure that addresses sagging and deflation of the cheeks and the loss of the natural youthful curves of the jawline. It can be combined with neck and facelift surgery to achieve more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. It also can be used alone for people who are not ready to undergo a full facelift or want a more refreshed and younger appearance.
Unlike dermal fillers, which offer only a temporary solution to facial volume loss, a mid face lift offers a more permanent improvement. It can be performed on its own or in conjunction with other procedures such as blepharoplasty or fat transfer.
The mid face lift can be performed through small incisions hidden within the hairline or around the ears. It can restore the appearance of elevated cheeks by repositioning the fat pads (malar pads) and lifting sagging tissue that creates deep nasolabial folds or jowls. It can also subtly lift the tissue that defines the jawline to reduce the appearance of a double chin.
Patients should be in good general health and not smoke or have a history of bleeding problems. It is important to consider the specifics of each patient’s goals and face shape and degree of aging before scheduling a mid face lift surgery. We recommend meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss the procedure in person, or using the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Find a Surgeon tool to locate a plastic surgeon near you. mid face lift