Before millions of players and billions in revenue, before esports tournaments with 100 million viewers, League of Legends was just an idea—a game that, co-founder Marc Merrill says, he wanted to build as quickly as possible. And that meant cutting corners, taking risks, and shirking responsibility.
To that end, the small team of artists, designers, and interns spent a lot of time playing each other’s games as they worked on League. But the game wasn’t finished, and the core group was starting to fracture as they approached the deadline for a public launch.
So, how did they pull it off? One of the key lessons, says Merrill, is that you can’t just tell people to play. You have to give them a reason.
The game consists of three phases. Each phase is designed to give the team a different kind of advantage. The early game is when the turrets and inhibitors are built. The mid game is when the champions start getting stronger through ability kits and stats. And the late game is when the final push destroys the enemy base.
NicoThePico, a professional League of Legends player and coach, will teach you the 3 most important aspects of the game. He’ll help you understand the game mechanics, roles, and meta of League of Legends. You’ll learn how to improve your micro/macro knowledge and rank with tips from a former LCS coach. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of the item system and how to pick the best items for your champion. 롤대리