If you have mainly played poker at home and are new to the game in a casino, you will find that there are a number of rules that differ between casual home games and the more formal etiquette of a live casino. These rules range from important enforceable rules to less obvious social conventions. In general, if you break any of these rules you will not be welcomed at the table and might even get removed from the game.
For example, spectators are usually not tolerated at casino poker tables. They could be cheaters or accomplices and should not be given a chance to watch the action at the poker table. Then there are the more subtle rules like not talking out of turn, waiting until your opponent has raised to act and putting in the correct amount of chips into the pot. These small mistakes can easily be made in a home game but are not so forgiving in a casino.
Another issue is not to curse or berate the dealer when you lose a hand. While cursing after a bad beat is understandable, excessive cursing can cause you to be banned from the casino. You should also be sure to leave your cards exposed and in a visible place if you decide to take a smoke, bathroom, food or other break. Lastly, be sure to tip the dealers. A $1 tip is typical.
Finally, if you are uncomfortable in your seat or your eyesight is not good, do not hesitate to ask for a change of seats. The dealer will usually give you first refusal if a seat becomes available. m98com