Watch time is one of the most important metrics YouTube considers when deciding what videos to recommend and show in its search results. More watch time signals higher engagement to YouTube’s algorithm which can help your videos rank better in the platform’s recommendations and discovery section.
Increased watch time can be achieved by making content that your audience will continue to watch, promoting your videos through a variety of channels, and using video marketing strategies. By following these tips and tricks, you can maximize your watch time and improve your YouTube ranking.
Optimize your titles and thumbnails for video watch time: When a viewer clicks on a video, it’s very important that their first impression of the video is accurate and compelling. Bad or misleading titles and thumbnails can drive people away and send a low watch time signal to YouTube. Use descriptive and unique titles and thumbnails that reflect your brand and style.
Create a consistent upload schedule: As you know, YouTube prioritizes consistency on the site, so it’s important to have your videos uploaded consistently. Keeping a consistent upload schedule also helps your videos rank well in the search results and recommendations section.
Add annotations to your video: Annotations are a great way to keep your viewers engaged throughout the video. While a good number of users will leave after a few seconds, incorporating annotations can help keep your videos going longer and retain more viewers.
Use playlists and autoplay: Playlists allow viewers to watch multiple videos in a row without having to leave the site. This helps viewers stay on YouTube for a while and can lead to a boost in Session Watch Time, especially if you have a large number of popular videos.
Ensure your channel is monetized: Monetization is not mandatory on YouTube, but it can help you earn more revenue from ads. To qualify for monetization, you need to have gained 4,000 viewing hours within the last 12 months and have generated videos that count towards this goal.
Buy YouTube watch time: Buying YouTube watch time is a safe and reliable way to increase your watch time on the platform. However, you should be wary of companies that use bots to generate your views and rely on those that have a positive track record.
Re-watches: Re-watches are a great indicator of your video’s success and can be used for future ad targeting. Re-watches are also a great way to measure audience retention and get insights on what your audiences care about most.
Promote your videos through a variety of channels: Promoting your video on a variety of channels can help you earn more Watch Time, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Make sure your social media channels include video previews and links to your video.
Use Associated Website Annotations: Adding links to your video can be a great way to engage with your viewers and keep them on YouTube for longer. Having links to other content on your site that can be relevant to the topic of your video can also help you improve your overall Watch Time. buy youtube watch time