Is your daughter’s birthday drawing near and you are in the midst of a birthday party planning? If you are still scratching your head for party ideas, face painting is a good activity to go for. It has become more pronounced in recent years as more parents around the world are holding more birthday parties for their kids.
If you do not intend to hire a face painter for your daughter’s birthday party, you can learn how to paint Princess Crown on her face to make her really stand out. Simply follow the steps I provided below and with a couple of practices you (and your daughter) should be all set for her big day!
Here are some techniques on how to paint a Princess Crown.
Face Painting Tools needed:
• Water based face paint that is FDA approved. Snazaroo is a good choice
• One fine brush
• One medium brush
• One large brush
• One bowl of water
• One form makeup sponge
• Face Glitter
Step 1: Paint The Crown
Select the medium brush and the white paint. With it, paint a three-pointed crown on the forehead and fill it with white. This acts as the base coat. Then pick a silver or a gold color (for more majestic look) and fill the entire crown with it. Of course, if you prefer other colors like pink or purple, go ahead and use it. Add some circles at the tips of the three pointed ends to give it some extra “glory”. Paint the circles with white or some other lighter colors. You may then outline the entire crown with a black paint to give it some accent.
Step 2: Add A Diamond
Choose a contrasting color like purple, and paint a jewel or a diamond in the center of the crown. The diamond or jewel may be of any shape, but it is probably best to keep it simple as long as you make it stands out.
Step 3: More Details
Add some white or silver on the jewel or diamond to give it some shine. Put some glitter on top of it to make it sparkle. Using a white paint, you may create some swirls from both ends of the crowns (near the temples) down the cheeks.
To make the princess more stunning, put on a nice lipstick on your subject. I would take one step further to paint her eye lashes and add some glitter on them. diamond painting