Bee stings usually feel like a sharp prick or burning sensation, Gesunde Ernährung but some people experience serious reactions that require medical attention. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include itching, swelling and redness in the area where you were stung. If your symptoms are severe, seek emergency medical care immediately.
If you have a bee sting, you should remove the stinger as soon as possible. Unlike bumble bees, honey bees have a barbed stinger that continually releases venom after it is inserted and before it is detached. This can lead to repeated stings if the stinger remains in place.
When a bee stings, the venom is released in a small stream that travels through your skin, causing inflammation, pain and itching. You’ll likely experience swelling for a few hours, but this is normal because the body is trying to flush out the venom.
Ice helps reduce the pain and swelling of a bee sting by constricting blood vessels, which decreases the flow of blood to the site of the sting. Cold compresses also help alleviate itching and discomfort. Antihistamines, which are available over-the-counter, can also provide some relief from itching and swelling.
Baking soda, which has alkaline properties, can be applied to the sting to neutralize the venom. Some people claim that apple cider vinegar, which is scientifically proven to have antibacterial benefits, can also reduce swelling and pain. However, it is important to remember that any chemical substance can be harmful if used improperly.
Essential oils have long been used to treat insect bites and stings, and are believed to have soothing effects on the skin. A number of essential oils are known to have antiseptic, antibacterial or antifungal properties. You can apply these to the affected area of the skin, but it’s best to dilute them with a carrier oil before applying them.
Toothpaste can also be applied to the sting to soothe itching and relieve some of the swelling. You can spread this on a cloth, or you can dab it onto the sting and wipe it away after 10 to 20 minutes.
Calamine lotion, another over-the-counter medication, can also alleviate itching and pain from a bee sting. It’s a good idea to use a clean bandage over the sting when you apply calamine lotion, because it can irritate the skin and cause more irritation if not properly applied.
You can also try an unconventional home remedy to treat a bee sting: smear alkaline toothpaste on the sting site to neutralize the venom. There is no clinical research to support this approach, but it may be worth a try.
It’s important to note, though, that toothpaste does not work for everyone and can be harmful if applied incorrectly. A medical professional will recommend other treatments for a bee sting, such as an antihistamine or a topical ointment.
If you’re experiencing a life-threatening allergic reaction, call 911 immediately and ask for an epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen or Auvi-Q). The drug can stop the reaction and keep you alive until you can get medical attention.