A man needs respect not love
Men are naturally masculine and when they feel respected they will offer their love to the one they love. However if their respect is taken away by unloving words the natural man inside will break under it and it takes a lot to recover from this. The key to avoiding this is to be sure that you are always treating him with respect. This means to avoid criticizing him in public and speaking negatively about him behind his back. It also means to speak positively about him and encourage others to do the same. Talking highly of him will draw him closer to you and it’s also a great way to make him smile.
In a survey Shaunti Feldhahn cites that most men would rather be with someone who respected them but didn’t love them deeply (although this is not ideal). The point here is that most men need to be treated with respect and it’s important for wives to recognize that.
I agree with the points that she makes about men needing to be respected and it’s something that I have personally seen many couples struggle with. My only question is that she makes it seem as though there is a biblical mandate for this and I am not aware of such a command in the Bible. All that being said, if you are struggling with this issue I would encourage you to work on the things that you can change and ask God for his help in changing those areas. A man needs respect not love